NNDPA Conference April 12th and 13th 2024
In Santa Fe, New Mexico
This Event has already taken place
"The New Deal: Inspiration and Hope"
The National New Deal Preservation Association is pleased to announce our conference in Santa Fe, NM, which was on April 12-13 (Friday and Saturday) The conference featured speakers related to the New Deal and the release of our newest book “The New Deal – Looking Back, Moving Forward”.
Speakers and Special Guests
Including UNM Professor Emeritus Richard MelzerNew Book Release
“The New Deal – Looking Back, Moving Forward”Other New Deal Books
New Deal WPA Project Photos and National Park Service Posters
Presentation of Awards
Continental Breakfast and Lunch on both days
The conference was open to everyone who is interested in learning more about the New Deal and its impact on American society and culture. This conference is in collaboration with The NM chapter of the Living New Deal.
Santa Fe Woman's Club
1616 Old Pecos Trail
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Some of Presenters at the Conference were:
Doug Leen (Ranger Doug’s Enterprises)
Doug has a new book ““Ranger of the Lost Art–Rediscovering the WPA Poster Art of Our National Parks.”
https://www.rangerdoug.com/Brian K Edwards Photography
Brian has photographed many Works Progress Administration (WPA) Sites around the Country.
https://www.briankedwards.com/Professor Richard Melzer, New Mexico’s New Deal, Spotlighting The Civilian Conservation Corps in New Mexico